BBs Go Out, Bullets Come Back

BBs Go Out, Bullets Come Back

Four young men took a BB gun into their minivan and decided to shoot at random people and property. Columbia, Missouri, where this occurred, is a constitutional carry jurisdiction. Initially the vandalism went unopposed. However, after more than $800 in property damage and four people shot with BBs, things took a bad turn. One of the van shooters pointed the BB gun at a man who was legally armed. The man fired his weapon, sending a round that nearly took off the vandal’s nose. The self-defender believed his life was threatened by a real gun and was not charged.

In Review:

The serious facts of this foolish prank deserve cautious review.

• Legal: Four people were in the minivan where the shots came from, but only one was shooting. While it is reasonable for a defender to see a gun, believe his life is in jeopardy and fire back at the shooter, the other occupants in the vehicle who were not shooting might have had a civil case against the defender if they had been injured.

Though the man’s shot was legally justified as self-defense, a different situation could have easily unfolded if, in shooting at the moving vehicle, our defender had hit something or someone else.

• Tactical: Being fired at from a moving vehicle is scary. But being able to competently return fire requires a very high degree of skill. I would recommend taking cover rather than returning fire in this instance unless the young shooter were to dismount and approach.

• Training: It is always a good skill-building activity to engage moving targets on the range (should your range allow it).

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